YU Jin-tao,GUO Zhan-cheng,FENG Ting,作者英文名.Application of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in Material Surface Research[J].Surface Technology,2014,43(1):119-124
Application of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in Material Surface Research
投稿时间:2013-08-20  修订日期:2013-12-10
中文关键词:  X 射线光电子能谱  表面分析  材料研究
英文关键词:X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy( XPS)  surface analysis  material research
基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划) 资助项目(2011AA06A105)
余锦涛 北京科技大学 钢铁冶金新技术国家重点实验室, 北京 100083 
郭占成 北京科技大学 钢铁冶金新技术国家重点实验室, 北京 100083 
冯婷 北京科技大学 冶金实验技术中心, 北京 100083 
支歆 北京科技大学 钢铁冶金新技术国家重点实验室, 北京 100083 
YU Jin-tao State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
GUO Zhan-cheng State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
FENG Ting Metallurgical Experimental Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
作者英文名 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 
      通过阐述 XPS 测试原理及工作特点,讨论其在材料表面研究中的具体应用。 通过光电子谱峰位置、形状和强度,可以分析元素价态、含量。 角分辨 XPS 可以检测超薄样品表面的化学状态,成像 XPS 可以显示样品表面的元素和价态分布,从而进行微区分析。 利用氩离子刻蚀进行深度剖析,可以研究样品化学状态随深度的变化关系。
      This paper briefly reviewed the principle and characteristics of XPS in surface analysis, and described its specific application in material research. The position, shape and intensity of XPS peaks can be used for determining the chemical valence and content of elements. Ultrathin sample can be analyzed by the angle-resolved XPS method. Imaging XPS could show the distribution of element on the surface of samples and its chemical valence. Through depth profiling using argon-ion etching, the variation of sample chemical state with depth can be revealed.
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