JIANG Guang-rui,ZHANG Hao,LIU Li-bin,LI Chun-guang,ZHAO Zhen-hua.Study on Filters in Waviness Measurement on Sheet Surface[J],45(3):183-187,192
Study on Filters in Waviness Measurement on Sheet Surface
Received:September 20, 2015  Revised:March 20, 2016
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KeyWord:waviness  filter  transmission characteristic  cut-off wavelength  spectrums, sheet
JIANG Guang-rui Shougang Research Institute of Technology, Beijing , China
ZHANG Hao Shougang Research Institute of Technology, Beijing , China
LIU Li-bin 1. Shougang Research Institute of Technology, Beijing , China; 2. State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
LI Chun-guang 1. Shougang Research Institute of Technology, Beijing , China;2. School of Materials and Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang , China
ZHAO Zhen-hua Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation, Beijing , China
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      Objective To compare difference between transmission characteristics of the three filters used in waviness measurement on sheet surface. Methods Three different filters are 2RC filter, Gaussian filter and an exponential filter, respectively. Spectrums of waviness profiles calculated by different filters and primary profile were studied. Finally, the waviness parameters on sheet surface were figured out through different filters. Results With no oscillation, amplitude of the Gaussian filter and the exponential filter decrease more quickly than the 2RC filter. At the cut-off wavelength, amplitude of the Gaussian filter and the exponential filter decrease a half and that of the 2RC decreases a quarter. For phase characteristic, the Gaussian filter and the exponential filter belong to phase correct filters and the 2RC filter belong to no phase correct filter whose phase shift about 1.05 at the cut-off wavelength. It could be found that the transmission characteristics of Gaussian filter are exactly same as that of the exponential filter. Moreover, the waviness parameter filtered by the 2RC filter is bigger 0.1um than that filtered by the Gaussian filter. Conclusion Both the Gaussian filter and the 2RC filter could not exactly suppress component beyond scope defined by cut-off wavelength and remain component between the scope.