DENG Zhi-ping,LIU Zhao-hui,ZHOU Guo-zhu,ZHANG Hang.Design of Absorber of the Planar Anisotropic Carbonyl-iron / Ferrite Composites[J],(6):104-107
Design of Absorber of the Planar Anisotropic Carbonyl-iron / Ferrite Composites
Received:September 13, 2012  Revised:December 20, 2012
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KeyWord:absorbing materials  carbonyl-iron  ferrite  reflection loss
DENG Zhi-ping Dept. of Chemistry & Material Engineering, Logistic Engineering University, Chongqing , China
LIU Zhao-hui Dept. of Chemistry & Material Engineering, Logistic Engineering University, Chongqing , China
ZHOU Guo-zhu Dept. of Chemistry & Material Engineering, Logistic Engineering University, Chongqing , China
ZHANG Hang Dept. of Chemistry & Material Engineering, Logistic Engineering University, Chongqing , China
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      The spectra of permittivity and permeability of the coaxial planar anisotropic carbonyl-iron (PACI) / paraffin and ferrite/ paraffin composite samples were studied. The coaxial ferrite/ PACI/ paraffin composite samples with different volume concentration of the two kinds of particles were prepared. Their permittivity and permeability were also tested and studied which show preferable characteristics can be obtained by appropriate combinations. Using epoxy-polyamide system as the matrix resin, a single-layer coating with a 10% volume concentration of both ferrite and PACI particles was prepared, which has a thickness of 1. 3 mm. The reflection loss was tested in the frequency range of 8 ~18 GHz, which shows a minimum reflection of -19. 7 dB with a -10 dB bandwidth of nearly 8 GHz.