WANG Xue,MU Qing-ping,LUAN Bo.The Preparation of Composite Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor with High Efficient and Low Phosphoric[J],(6):88-90
The Preparation of Composite Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor with High Efficient and Low Phosphoric
Received:July 25, 2012  Revised:December 20, 2012
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KeyWord:scale inhibitor  high efficiency  low phosphine
WANG Xue Technology Development Centre, Shandong Chanbroad Hoiding Co. , Ltd. , Shandong , China
MU Qing-ping Technology Development Centre, Shandong Chanbroad Hoiding Co. , Ltd. , Shandong , China
LUAN Bo Technology Development Centre, Shandong Chanbroad Hoiding Co. , Ltd. , Shandong , China
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      Taking organic phosphonic acid, organic phosphono carboxylic acid, surfactant, and sale with zinc as main material, a new organic multicomposite scale and corrosion inhibitor was complexed. Petrochemical company after the circulating cooling water in the depth of treatment as the media, the corrosion inhibition rate and scale inhibition rate were determined by rotation coupon corrosion and calcium carbonate precipitation methods, then six kinds of composice scale and corrosion inhibiton formnala were choisen. The comparison results to merchant products show that the corrosion inhibiton rate and scale inhibition rale of six corrosion and scale inhinbitors are more than 95% , and scale inhibition rale for calcium carbonale is 95% or more. The corrosion inhibition and scale inhibition performances of the high efficent and environmental protection inhibition are more excellent than that of merchant products.