GAO Feng,LI Peng-fei,GUO Feng,ZHANG Yan,NIU Shi-yue.Study on Electrolyte for MAO and Corrosion Resistance of Magnesium Alloy[J],36(6):42-44
Study on Electrolyte for MAO and Corrosion Resistance of Magnesium Alloy
Received:July 24, 2007  Revised:December 10, 2007
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KeyWord:Magnesium alloy  Micro-arc oxidation  Ceramic coatings  Corrosion resistance  Phosphate system electrolyte
GAO Feng School of Materials Science and Engineering, IMUT, Huhhot , China
LI Peng-fei School of Materials Science and Engineering, IMUT, Huhhot , China
GUO Feng School of Materials Science and Engineering, IMUT, Huhhot , China
ZHANG Yan School of Materials Science and Engineering, IMUT, Huhhot , China
NIU Shi-yue School of Materials Science and Engineering, IMUT, Huhhot , China
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      Micro-arc oxidation of A231D magnesium alloy was studied in the phosphate system electrolyte at a constantly applied permanent voltage. To optimize the formulation of phosphate system electrolyte, taking homogeneous of ceranuc coating and 48 hoursrate of corrosion combining with its apparent quantity as target, the orthogonal experiment was used in the research. The obtained feasible is as follows : 15. Og/L Na5P3010 , 2. Og/L NaOH, 1. Og/L NaW04 , 2. 0 g/L Na2EDTA. The phase compose was analyzed by X-ray diffraction ( XRD) , and the corrosion resistance of ceramic coating was measured by soak test in NaCI solution and neutral salt spray test. It is found that the coating is mainly composed of Mg, Mgo and Mg2P207, and has certain corrosion resisting property.