GONG Xiao-jing,XU Yun-hua,YANG Yu-guo,CAO Ke-ning,ZHAO Yu.Corrosion Resistance of High Frequency Pulse Electroplating Ni-Co Coating[J],36(6):4-6
Corrosion Resistance of High Frequency Pulse Electroplating Ni-Co Coating
Received:June 11, 2007  Revised:December 10, 2007
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KeyWord:High frequency pulse electroforming  Ni-Co alloy  Composite coating  Corrosion resistance
GONG Xiao-jing Institute of Chemistry, Science of School, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing , China
XU Yun-hua Institute of Chemistry, Science of School, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing , China
YANG Yu-guo Institute of Chemistry, Science of School, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing , China
CAO Ke-ning Institute of Chemistry, Science of School, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing , China
ZHAO Yu Institute of Chemistry, Science of School, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing , China
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      The corrosion resistance of high frequency pulse electroforming Ni-Co coating in 3. 50-/o NaCl solution was studied. The results indicated that, as the frequency increased, the depositing rate got improved, the coating tended to be more compact and the weight loss rate of the film immersed in 3. 50-/o NaCl solution decreased. The anodic polarization curves for the platings electroformed at high frequency were similar to that for the platings electroformed at DC. As the frequency increased, Ecorr shifted in positive direction, /con decreased. Thus high frequency was of great impact on the deposited layers and improved the corrosion resistance of the plating.