ZHANG Yixuan,LIU Tao,LIU Yaohu,LIU Jie,WANG Jianjun.Research Progress on Anti-icing Coatings for Polar Ships[J],53(6):1-10
Research Progress on Anti-icing Coatings for Polar Ships
Received:March 29, 2023  Revised:October 23, 2023
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KeyWord:polar  ships  anti-icing  coating materials  ice adhesion
ZHANG Yixuan Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing , China
LIU Tao Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai , China
LIU Yaohu Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing , China
LIU Jie Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing , China
WANG Jianjun Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing , China
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      The polar regions are strategically important for the sustainable development of the global economy due to their abundant natural resources and special geographical location. However, the prolonged low temperature and heavy icing in the polar regions have greatly restricted the process of scientific research, commercial shipping, and energy development. Therefore, the icing problem of various types of equipment has become a hot topic of research and the development of long-lasting and stable anti-icing technology is crucial to advancing the polar development strategy. The icing dilemma faced by ships during polar navigation was systematically expounded. Types of ice accretion on ships were analyzed according to the origin of ice. Various anti-icing technologies were summarized, including active anti-icing technologies (mechanical de-icing, ultrasonic de-icing, heating de-icing, chemical de-icing, etc.) and passive anti-icing coating technologies (gas lubrication, liquid lubrication, "liquid-like" lubrication, interface-controlled fracture, etc.). The gas lubrication is mainly composed of micro/nanocomposite structure in the surface and low surface energy hydrophobic layer, which effectively inhibits the icing process by reducing the attachment of water droplets. However, the disadvantage of it is liquid generally slipping into a hierarchical scale and adhering to the surface, resulting in the Cassie-Baxter state converting into the Wenzel state. Water freezing in the Wenzel state will cause mechanical interlocking forces and invalid deicing capabilities. Subsequently, the surface can be worn away after repeatedly de-icing. Although certain special structures have been proven to reduce the transition to the Wenzel state, the complex fabrication process is almost impossible to cover on a large scale. Liquid lubrication and "liquid-like" lubrication can greatly reduce the adhesion strength of ice on the solid surface by effectively reducing the strong physical interaction between ice and surface. Liquid lubrication is built through the overfilling lubricating liquid to the micro/nanopores substrate. Despite adhering within the substrate, lubrication becomes invalid over time by evaporation, erosion, and is contaminated. "Liquid-like" lubrication, covalently attached on one end of a flexible macromolecule onto a smooth substrate, determines the lubricating property. The high mobility and small intermolecular force of polymer enable it to function as a lubricating layer. "Liquid-like" lubrication has been considered a promising coating for its extreme uniformity, low adhesion, transparency, and safety. Interface-controlled fracture makes the crack nucleation and growth at the specific position of the interface quickly, accelerates the interface fracture process, and then makes the ice desorb quickly under the action of low shear stress. Under the action of shear stress, the interface between ice and substrate is not uniform, and macroscopic cracks are preferentially generated in the low shear modulus region. The cracks propagate rapidly, making the ice easier to break away from the substrate surface. The current development of anti-icing technologies in solving the icing problem is summarized. The feasibility of each technology to be applied in polar ships is discussed in depth according to their advantages and disadvantages. In the last section, the work emphasizes the key requirements for special anti-icing coatings for ship equipment, and the importance of active and passive cooperative de-icing strategies in polar ship protection technology is proposed.