CHEN Bin,DING Yu,CUI Jing,WANG Liwen.Modeling and Simulation of Freezing Temperature on Runway Surface Based on Classical Nucleation Theory[J],53(2):201-220
Modeling and Simulation of Freezing Temperature on Runway Surface Based on Classical Nucleation Theory
Received:November 13, 2022  Revised:March 22, 2023
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KeyWord:ice nucleation  freezing temperature  surface free energy  roughness  numerical simulation  deicing fluid
CHEN Bin School of Electronic Information and Automation,Aeronautical Ground Special Equipment Research Base,School of Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin , China
DING Yu School of Electronic Information and Automation,Aeronautical Ground Special Equipment Research Base,School of Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin , China
CUI Jing School of Electronic Information and Automation,Aeronautical Ground Special Equipment Research Base,School of Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin , China
WANG Liwen School of Electronic Information and Automation,Aeronautical Ground Special Equipment Research Base,School of Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin , China
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      The work aims to study the freezing temperature of runway surface, predict ice accumulation events and reduce the impact of runway ice accumulation on the safety of aircraft ground operations. The formation mechanism of ice nuclei on solid surfaces was analyzed from a microscopic point of view. The contact angle parameters were used to represent the material surface properties. A freezing temperature model was established based on the classical nucleation theory. The corresponding numerical simulations and runway surface freezing simulation experiments were carried out under different boundary conditions, and finally the freezing temperature experiments simulating the runway low temperature environment were completed. The results of the runway freezing simulation showed that for the concrete runway surface with rubber traces left by aircraft tire friction, the rubber traces were more prone to freeze than cement. The airport runway deicing fluid with calcium acetate as the main component could inhibit runway freezing by reducing the nucleation rate and radius growth rate of ice nuclei on the runway surface, and the larger the mass fraction, the stronger the inhibitory effect. When the mass fraction was increased from 5% to 40%, the freezing temperature was reduced by 12.02 ℃. Finally, experiments were conducted to simulate the low temperature environment of the runway. It was obtained through comparison that the error between the prediction result of the model and the actual value was about 0.94 ℃. The higher the surface free energy of the material, the higher the freezing temperature. High roughness promotes the freezing. The airport runway deicing fluid inhibits the runway freezing by reducing the nucleation rate and radius growth rate of runway ice nuclei. The larger the mass fraction, the stronger the inhibitory effect. This model provides a theoretical basis for predicting the freezing temperature for warning of runway ice accumulation.