CHEN Yangmei,HE Xiaoyan,HUANG Qian,XIONG Hanzhen,BAI Xiuqin.Research Status of Pitting Corrosion of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel under Marine SRB, IRB and IOB[J],53(2):15-27, 70
Research Status of Pitting Corrosion of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel under Marine SRB, IRB and IOB
Received:December 10, 2022  Revised:August 10, 2023
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KeyWord:microbial pitting corrosion  carbon steel  stainless steel  corrosion morphology  pitting mechanism
CHEN Yangmei School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Energy Power Engineering,Wuhan , China ;Reliability Engineering Institute, National Engineering Research Centre for Water Transport Safety,Wuhan , China ;State Key Laboratory of Maritime Technology and Safety, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
HE Xiaoyan Reliability Engineering Institute, National Engineering Research Centre for Water Transport Safety,Wuhan , China ;State Key Laboratory of Maritime Technology and Safety, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
HUANG Qian School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Energy Power Engineering,Wuhan , China ;Reliability Engineering Institute, National Engineering Research Centre for Water Transport Safety,Wuhan , China ;State Key Laboratory of Maritime Technology and Safety, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
XIONG Hanzhen School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Energy Power Engineering,Wuhan , China ;Reliability Engineering Institute, National Engineering Research Centre for Water Transport Safety,Wuhan , China ;State Key Laboratory of Maritime Technology and Safety, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
BAI Xiuqin Reliability Engineering Institute, National Engineering Research Centre for Water Transport Safety,Wuhan , China ;State Key Laboratory of Maritime Technology and Safety, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
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      Microbiological Induced Corrosion (MIC) occurs due to the interaction of the activities and metabolites of the microorganisms with metal materials, which affects the cathodic and anodic processes of corrosion reactions. This phenomenon accounts for approximately 20% of marine corrosion hazards, rendering it a major technical problem for the marine industry. The study of microbial corrosion in marine environments is of great significance to promote the development of the Chinese marine industry. Microbial corrosion of metal materials includes both comprehensive corrosion and local corrosion, with local corrosion being more harmful. Among various forms of local corrosion, pitting corrosion is considered the most harmful.