AN Rong-sheng,CHENG Zhi,PAN Jin-zhi,CHEN Chun-huan,LIU Peng-tao,REN Rui-ming.Effect of Ultrasonic Rolling Process on Surface Microstructures and Properties of GCr15SiMn Bainitic Bearing Steel[J],52(10):430-438
Effect of Ultrasonic Rolling Process on Surface Microstructures and Properties of GCr15SiMn Bainitic Bearing Steel
Received:November 16, 2022  Revised:April 07, 2023
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KeyWord:GCr15SiMn bainitic bearing steel  surface ultrasonic rolling treatment  fine-grained layer  surface properties  surface structure
AN Rong-sheng School of Material Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Key Material of Rail Transit in Liaoning Province, Dalian Jiaotong University, Liaoning Dalian , China
CHENG Zhi School of Material Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Key Material of Rail Transit in Liaoning Province, Dalian Jiaotong University, Liaoning Dalian , China
PAN Jin-zhi School of Material Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Key Material of Rail Transit in Liaoning Province, Dalian Jiaotong University, Liaoning Dalian , China
CHEN Chun-huan School of Material Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Key Material of Rail Transit in Liaoning Province, Dalian Jiaotong University, Liaoning Dalian , China
LIU Peng-tao School of Material Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Key Material of Rail Transit in Liaoning Province, Dalian Jiaotong University, Liaoning Dalian , China
REN Rui-ming School of Material Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Key Material of Rail Transit in Liaoning Province, Dalian Jiaotong University, Liaoning Dalian , China
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      In contemporary mechanical production, bearings are referred to as "mechanical joints" because they support the rotation of various equipment components, reduce friction during usage, and ensure rotational precision. The failure of bearings, which affects the machine's operational state and potentially its safety, has drawn a lot of attention. Bainitic steel (especially lower bainitic steel) demonstrates significant benefits in rolling contact fatigue resistance due to its high hardness, toughness, and excellent comprehensive qualities. This work involved applying the ultrasonic rolling method to the surface treatment of bainitic bearing steel and examining how it affected the surface microstructures and properties of the GCr15SiMn bainitic bearing steel. The surface microstructures and properties of the race specimens of bainite bearings were compared and analyzed before and after the ultrasonic rolling treatment, and the effects of different ultrasonic rolling processes (current and static pressure) on the surface microstructures and properties of the samples were investigated, which offered a theoretical and experimental foundation for enhancing contact fatigue resistance and service life of GCr15SiMn bainite bearings. The three-dimensional morphology, surface morphology and cross section of the sample surface before and after ultrasonic rolling were observed with a Leica three-dimensional microscope and a scanning electron microscope, and the surface roughness and microhardness were measured with a roughness meter and a microhardness tester. The surface and cross-sectional microstructures of samples subjected to ultrasonic rolling with different parameters were analyzed. The results indicated that the surface condition of the original samples could be categorized into three types:cross section with surface microcracks in the fine-grained layer, cross section without cracks in the fine-grained layer, and cross section without the fine-grained layer. The ultrasonic rolling process created a plastic deformation layer in the three types of cross sections, and the thickness of the resulting plastic deformation layer was proportional to the fine crystalline layer of the surface, with the cross section without the fine-grained layer possessing the thickest layer. The cross section with surface microcracks in the fine-grained layer was fragmented and uneven, and there were grinding cracks at a depth of approximately 1 μm that extend parallel to the surface. The fine-grained structure was distributed on both sides of the crack, and the lowest portion of the fine-grained layer contained an approximately 0.5 μm thick plastic deformation layer. The surface of the original cross section without the fine-grained layer was generally flat, with nearly no microcracks, and there was a uniform structure morphology along the depth direction. After ultrasonic rolling, the surface's machined texture became thinner, and the furrow became shallower. The surface roughness of the sample decreased by 75%, the surface hardness of the sample increased by 4%, and the sample surface created a hardened layer of approximately 90 μm. Although the depth of the hardened layer and surface hardness of the sample increase with an increase in static pressure, the depth of the plastic deformation layer, the hardened layer, and the surface hardness of the sample decrease significantly with the increase of current. However, the depth of the hardened layer and surface hardness of the sample increase significantly with the increase of static pressure.