LIU Jun,ZHENG Heng,GAO Zi-han,HU Dan-ni,ZHANG Tian.Research Progress of Natural Active Substances in Marine Antifouling[J],52(10):64-74
Research Progress of Natural Active Substances in Marine Antifouling
Received:August 09, 2022  Revised:November 22, 2022
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KeyWord:marine fouling  pre-fouling  natural active substances  antifouling
LIU Jun School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Life Science,Wuhan , China
ZHENG Heng School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
GAO Zi-han Sanya Science and Education Innovation Park, Wuhan University of Technology, Hainan Sanya , China
HU Dan-ni Shaoxing Advanced Research Institute, Wuhan University of Technology, Zhejiang Shaoxing , China
ZHANG Tian School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Life Science,Wuhan , China ;Sanya Science and Education Innovation Park, Wuhan University of Technology, Hainan Sanya , China;Shaoxing Advanced Research Institute, Wuhan University of Technology, Zhejiang Shaoxing , China
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      The attachment of marine fouling organisms on the surface of marine facilities poses great difficulties and challenges to the marine business. Low surface energy, electrochemical antifouling and biocide-releasing coatings are common antifouling methods, which mainly prevent marine organisms from fouling by gradual leaching of antifouling agents (poisons) in the paint film.