RAN Di,ZHENG Peng,YUAN Ze-wei,WANG Ning.Restraint Friction Reduction Mechanism of Graphene Coating on Copper Substrate[J],52(5):61-70
Restraint Friction Reduction Mechanism of Graphene Coating on Copper Substrate
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KeyWord:copper substrate  graphene coating  friction reduction mechanism  friction characteristics  molecular dynamics  dislocation density  bearing diameter  scratching edge angle
RAN Di School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang , China ;School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang Urban Construction University, Shenyang , China
ZHENG Peng School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang , China
YUAN Ze-wei School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang , China
WANG Ning Engineering Training Center, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang , China
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      Graphene coating technology can provide an effective solution to the problems such as energy loss and part failure in mechanical system caused by friction and wear on material interface. Moreover, graphene coating can not only retain original excellent properties of substrate, but also produce new synergistic effects to improve properties of composites. The work aims to investigate the effect of graphene coating on friction characteristics of single crystal copper substrate and reveal the micro friction reduction and substrate strengthening mechanism of graphene coating.