QI Ya-yun,DAI Huan-yun,GAN Feng,SANG Hu-tang,WANG Rui-an.Influencing Factors and Limits of Asymmetrical Wheel Wear of High-Speed EMUs[J],52(5):51-60
Influencing Factors and Limits of Asymmetrical Wheel Wear of High-Speed EMUs
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KeyWord:high-speed EMUs  asymmetrical wheel wear  wheel-rail contact  wear prediction  safety limit
QI Ya-yun School of Mechanotronics and Vehicle Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing , China;CRRC YANGTZE Co., Ltd., Wuhan , China
DAI Huan-yun State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , China
GAN Feng State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , China
SANG Hu-tang State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , China
WANG Rui-an School of Mechanotronics and Vehicle Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing , China
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      The wheel-rail wear problem in operation of high-speed EMUs poses a serious threat to their operational safety and economy, and asymmetrical wheel wear has an important impact on vehicle operation performance. This paper investigated the causes of asymmetrical wheel wear in high-speed EMUs, and proposed effective measures to suppress asymmetrical wheel wear. Firstly, through the actual measurement data, statistical analysis on the asymmetrical wheel wear and the evolution of high-speed EMUs were conducted, and the static wheel-rail contact parameters under different asymmetrical wheel wear were analyzed. When the lateral displacement was smaller than 2 mm, the adhesion area was smaller when the asymmetrical wheel wear was larger. When the lateral displacement was less than 8 mm, the longitudinal creepage gradually increased as the asymmetrical wheel wear increased, which tended to intensify wheel and rail wear. Then a high-speed EMU model and a Jendel wheel wear model were established to analyze the mechanism of asymmetrical wheel wear and the influencing factors, mainly from four aspects:the wheel surface hardness of the left and right wheels, the nodal parameters of the left and right side rotary arms, the line distribution and the asymmetry of the rail profile of left rail and right rail. Finally, the asymmetrical wheel wear limits of different vehicle speeds were investigated by a wheelset rigid-flexible coupling model. When there was a hardness difference between the wheel surfaces, which would cause a difference in wear between the left and right wheels, and when the hardness decreased, the wheel wear increased further. At 200 000 km, when the wheel surface hardness difference was 0, 5H and 10H, the wheel wear depth on the right side was 0.954 mm, 0.966 mm and 0.973 mm. When the wear mileage increased, the left and right wheel wear increased. When the wear mileage was 200 000 km, the wear depth was 0.967 mm for the left wheel and 0.92 mm for the right wheel with a reduction of 5%. Therefore, the difference in stiffness of the rotary arm nodes had an important effect on the formation of asymmetrical wheel wear during wheel operation. When the line distribution changed, the left and right wheel wear had a greater change, too much left curves led to a state of greater force on the left side of the wheel, the depth of wear was greater. When the wear mileage was 200 000 km, the left side wheel wear depth was 0.98 mm and 0.941 mm. When there was asymmetrical wear of the left and right rails in a local section of the line, there was an asymmetry in the distribution of wheel-rail contact points, resulting in a change in the contact force between the left and right wheels and resulting in a difference in wheel wear. The limit of the asymmetrical wear at 300 km/h, 350 km/h and 400 km/h were 2.4 mm, 2.1 mm and 1.7 mm respectively. Asymmetries in the surface hardness of the left and right wheel, the nodal parameters of the left and right rotary arms, the line distribution and the asymmetry of the rail profiles are the main causes of asymmetrical wheel wear. During the service process, the vehicle and line parameters that affect the asymmetrical wheel wear need to be effectively monitored.