ZHAO Qing-xu,ZHANG Shao-bo,WANG Zhi-bin,ZHAO Xiao-jun,WANG Sheng-min.Research Progress of Alloy Coating Deposited by Mechanical Plating[J],52(5):14-25, 60
Research Progress of Alloy Coating Deposited by Mechanical Plating
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KeyWord:mechanical plating  alloy plating  deposition  corrosion resistance  corrosion prevention
ZHAO Qing-xu Faculty of Material Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming , China
ZHANG Shao-bo Hebei Xiong'an Jingde Expressway Co., Ltd., Hebei Xiong'an , China
WANG Zhi-bin Hebei Xiong'an Jingde Expressway Co., Ltd., Hebei Xiong'an , China
ZHAO Xiao-jun Faculty of Material Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming , China
WANG Sheng-min Faculty of Material Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming , China
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      Compared with chemical plating, electroplating, spraying, electrolytic deposition and hot dip plating, mechanically plated alloy layer has become a research hot spot in many industrial applications because of its low energy consumption, low environmental pollution, no hydrogen embrittlement and no annealing softening. In recent years, under the call of green environment protection, energy saving and emission reduction and the emphasis on surface protection of materials, the types of mechanical plating have been diversified and the application fields have been expanded. Firstly, starting from the classification of mechanical plating, the work examined the development history of mechanical plating alloy layer research at home and abroad in recent years, affirmed the research progress of mechanical plating alloy layer preparation in China, objectively outlined the gap between domestic and foreign research levels, and indicated the future development direction. The research on mechanical plating mainly focused on the mechanism of layer formation, zinc-based composite plating and surface activator, while the research on dry mechanical plating mainly focused on the alloying of the layer and the formulation of the plating alloy material. Secondly, the work analyzed and explained the formation mechanism of alloy plating and the anti-corrosion mechanism of alloy plating under two different processes. It mainly relied on the energy generated by the high-speed spraying of alloy-coated pellets into the bonding force between the plating and the substrate, and its anti-corrosion mechanism could generate a dense oxide film as a sealing barrier after the alloy layer was eroded. Finally, based on the excellent corrosion resistance of alloy plating and the characteristics of mechanical plating process, the initiative of research and development of wet mechanical plating with alloy powder as raw material was given, and the development trend of mechanical plating alloy plating in the field of anti-corrosion materials and research suggestions were put forward from the direction of activation and deposition stability, green and compounding, and industrial standardization. The research and application of dry mechanical alloy plating were relatively mature, while for wet mechanical plating, it was difficult to maintain the active state of dispersion and continuous and stable deposition of alloy powder during the plating process, and the dispersion, active state and deposition ability of alloy powder played a decisive role in the performance of alloy plating. At present, the feasible solution to disperse and activate the alloy powder was to open the oxide film on the surface of the alloy powder with strong acid, strong alkali or fluoride. The degree of reaction between the activator and the oxide film, the particle dispersion to be active and remain active for a period of time and the preferential selection of the deposition promoter are all difficult points for in-depth research, and the current activation and deposition formulations are still under continuous exploration and cannot be applied to the mass production of anti-corrosion materials. Therefore, how to achieve the stability of alloy powder activator and deposition promoter will be the next step to focus on the goal of research. The current metal anti-corrosion materials, organic coatings, metal plating occupy the main position, green energy saving, the development of environmentally friendly anti-corrosion materials is the country and society adhere to the scientific advocacy of sustainable development, as well as high standards and high requirements for environmental protection, optimization of anti-corrosion materials product performance and preparation process has become the trend of today's anti-corrosion materials development. Wet mechanical alloy plating can be prepared at room temperature without high temperature melting, and the preparation process does not produce pollution emissions, which is a green environmental protection process. In addition, many non-metallic materials also have excellent corrosion resistance, such as graphene, ceramics, etc. The combination of the excellent physical and chemical properties of these materials and the corrosion resistance of alloy powder is a direction worthy of in-depth study by researchers to develop composite alloy coatings and promote the development of mechanical alloy plating towards compounding. As an excellent anti-corrosion layer, mechanical alloy plating layer in the field of anti-corrosion is at the stage of research and large-scale application. There is an urgent need to develop a complete standard system to promote the industrialization of mechanical alloy plating layer research results. Dry mechanical plating alloy layer in the United States and other developed countries already have a standardization system, so based on the progress of wet mechanical plating alloy layer in the field of corrosion research, its standardization is based on several aspects:for the basic standards of alloy layer preparation methods in the field of anti-corrosion material applications, there are mixed powder method and alloy powder method; alloy plating layer in the alloy powder content standards of each element, which is an important factor affecting the performance of composite plating, so it is extremely important to set reasonable standards for the addition of alloy elements, such as the optimal interval for an element corresponding to high corrosion resistance; standards for the activation and deposition effect of alloy powder, such as the dispersion of alloy powder after activation, deposition stability, etc.; standards for the preparation process of mechanical alloy plating, such as the amount of reagents, equipment parameters, preparation methods, waste treatment, etc. in the preparation process; standards for the evaluation of plating performance, such as surface roughness, brightness, bond strength, density, electrochemical properties, etc. bonding strength, density, electrochemical properties, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the development of industrialization standards to highlight the advantages of mechanical plating alloy layer in the field of anti-corrosion and to enhance the influence and competitiveness of mechanical plating in the market.