LIN Zhong-liang,BAI Qing-shun,WANG Hong-fei,TANG Wei,WU Bao-quan.Research Progress of Strengthening Mechanism and Fatigue Life in Cold Extrusion of Bushing for Hole[J],52(4):1-14, 99
Research Progress of Strengthening Mechanism and Fatigue Life in Cold Extrusion of Bushing for Hole
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KeyWord:hole strengthening  bushing  cold expansion  residual stress  fatigue life
LIN Zhong-liang School of Mechatronics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin , China;Aerospace Precision Products Co., Ltd., Tianjin , China
BAI Qing-shun School of Mechatronics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin , China
WANG Hong-fei School of Mechatronics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin , China
TANG Wei Aerospace Precision Products Co., Ltd., Tianjin , China
WU Bao-quan School of Mechatronics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin , China
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      Fastening hole connector is an important basic component in the aviation field, and its stress concentration has always been the focus of academia and industry. Therefore, improving the fatigue strength of the hole-structure is quite essential for enhancing the performance of the aircraft and prolonging its life. The use of cold extrusion technology for hole bushings to strengthen the hole-structure has the advantages of large extrusion volume, high precision and excellent strengthening effect. In recent years, it has been widely used in the anti-fatigue manufacturing and maintenance of aircraft mechanical components. At present, it is widely accepted that the strengthening mechanism of hole bushing cold extrusion technology mainly includes macro/micro aspects. Through extrusion strengthening, effective residual stress was introduced to the hole-structure and the microstructure around the hole wall was improved. Thereby, the fatigue resistance of the hole-structure was enhanced and the service life of the aircraft was improved simultaneously.