MA Ping-yi,CHEN Xu,HAN Xing,LIU Hai-jian,SHI Wen-zhan,PENG He-li.Effect of Cleaning Process on Brazing Property of GH4099 Honeycomb Sandwich Structure[J],52(1):372-380, 393
Effect of Cleaning Process on Brazing Property of GH4099 Honeycomb Sandwich Structure
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KeyWord:GH4099  honeycomb sandwich structure  laser cleaning  ion bombardment  brazing
MA Ping-yi Shanghai Shenjian Precision Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai , China;Shanghai Spaceflight Precision Machinery Institute, Shanghai , China;Shanghai Engineering Technology Research Center of Near-Net Shape Forming for Metallic Materials, Shanghai , China
CHEN Xu Shanghai Shenjian Precision Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai , China;Shanghai Spaceflight Precision Machinery Institute, Shanghai , China;Shanghai Engineering Technology Research Center of Near-Net Shape Forming for Metallic Materials, Shanghai , China
HAN Xing Shanghai Shenjian Precision Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai , China;Shanghai Spaceflight Precision Machinery Institute, Shanghai , China;Shanghai Engineering Technology Research Center of Near-Net Shape Forming for Metallic Materials, Shanghai , China
LIU Hai-jian Shanghai Shenjian Precision Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai , China;Shanghai Spaceflight Precision Machinery Institute, Shanghai , China;Shanghai Engineering Technology Research Center of Near-Net Shape Forming for Metallic Materials, Shanghai , China
SHI Wen-zhan Shanghai Shenjian Precision Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai , China;Shanghai Spaceflight Precision Machinery Institute, Shanghai , China;Shanghai Engineering Technology Research Center of Near-Net Shape Forming for Metallic Materials, Shanghai , China
PENG He-li Shanghai Shenjian Precision Machinery Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai , China;Shanghai Spaceflight Precision Machinery Institute, Shanghai , China;Shanghai Engineering Technology Research Center of Near-Net Shape Forming for Metallic Materials, Shanghai , China
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      Pre-welding cleaning process is of great importance for honeycomb sandwich structure to gain a satisfactory brazed joint. Due to the poor stiffness in plane direction of honeycomb core, the more effective cleaning method for honeycomb is non-contact cleaning, including laser cleaning and ion bombardment cleaning. The work aims to study the effects of laser cleaning and ion bombardment cleaning methods on brazing property of GH4099 honeycomb sandwich structure, and optimize the pre-welding cleaning process of honeycomb sandwich structure.