QIU An,CHEN Hui,SONG Jie,CHENG Xue-jin,DING Hong-yan,ZHOU Guang-hong.Laser Melting Treatment on NiTi Alloy and Its Biological Corrosion Properties[J],52(1):364-371, 420
Laser Melting Treatment on NiTi Alloy and Its Biological Corrosion Properties
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KeyWord:NiTi alloy  microstructure  laser melting  melted layer  biological corrosion  oxide film
QIU An Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Huaian , China
CHEN Hui Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Huaian , China
SONG Jie Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Huaian , China
CHENG Xue-jin Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Huaian , China
DING Hong-yan Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Huaian , China;Suqian University, Jiangsu Suqian , China
ZHOU Guang-hong Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Huaian , China
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      NiTi alloy with equal atomic ratio has been widely used in biomedical field because of its excellent mechanical properties and shape memory effect. However, NiTi alloy can be corroded and released harmful Ni2+ ions in human body. In this paper, laser melting was conducted on the surface of the NiTi alloy to enhance the corrosion resistance in simulated body fluid (SBF). The microstructure, phase structure of NiTi alloy modified by laser melting treatment with various process parameters, as well as the biological corrosion properties of the melted layer in SBF solution were studied. The surface physical properties of the molten layer, such as contact angle and hardness were also tested.