ZHU Cun-zhou,ZHANG You-qiang,LIU Yuan-ling,GUO Lin.Friction Behavior of Cotton Fiber Bundle and Metal[J],51(12):122-130
Friction Behavior of Cotton Fiber Bundle and Metal
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KeyWord:cotton fiber  friction and wear  contact area  pre-tension  roughness
ZHU Cun-zhou Collage of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Tarim University, Xinjiang Alar , China;Modern Agricultural Engineering Key Laboratory at Universities of Education Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Alar , China
ZHANG You-qiang Collage of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Tarim University, Xinjiang Alar , China;Modern Agricultural Engineering Key Laboratory at Universities of Education Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Alar , China
LIU Yuan-ling Collage of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Tarim University, Xinjiang Alar , China;Modern Agricultural Engineering Key Laboratory at Universities of Education Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Alar , China
GUO Lin Collage of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Tarim University, Xinjiang Alar , China
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      In the process of cotton fiber production and processing, there is direct contact with the surface of metal parts, and long time friction will cause the wear of metal surface, and affect the service life and working quality of metal parts. To delve into the friction behavior of cotton fiber with rough surface, the capstan homemade friction test device, tension, roughness and friction from the additive rate and cotton fiber beam Angle four aspects to explore the cotton fiber beam and metal friction roller surface friction behavior, and establish the cotton fiber and the rough peak contact model to validate the result of the test. The stepper motor is powered by a 24 V, 3 A DC power supply. The 0-20 N tension sensor was used to record the stress of the cotton fiber bundle, and the tension recorded by the sensor was the sum of friction and pre-tension. The 270 mm cotton fiber bundle sample was uniformly wound on the stainless steel friction roller at a certain enveloping Angle, and both ends of the cotton fiber bundle were connected with the sensor and the weight respectively by cotton wire. During the test, the pretension T is adjusted by changing the weight. Change the friction roller with different roughness to adjust roughness. The envelope Angle of cotton fiber bundle and metal friction roller is controlled by sliding platform at the bottom. Use driver to control stepper motor speed. In order to obtain the exact number of contact roots between the cotton fiber bundle and the metal friction roller, a square black film of 2 mm side length with moderate viscosity was innovatively used to adhere to the surface of the cotton fiber bundle that contacted the friction roller. Three sampling points were placed on each bundle of cotton fiber, and each group of experiments was repeated for 5 times. After the test was completed, all the cotton fibers that adhered to the film and the film were removed together, and the number of contact roots of the fiber was photographed with a microscope, the magnification was 220 times, and the images taken were binarized by numerical processing software to obtain clearer cotton fiber images. This study the friction interface are selected from production, metal friction roller representative in the process of cotton processing and cotton fiber in direct contact with metal parts, for rough surface friction and wear behavior of the cotton fiber and metal provide certain guidance, to build a suitable for through quantitative calculation to explore method of cotton fiber with rough metal surface friction behavior. The results show that the pre-tension is positively correlated with the friction force and negatively correlated with the friction coefficient. The friction force and friction coefficient decrease with the increase of the selected roughness. The friction rate only has an effect on the number of periods for the system to reach stability, but has a small effect on the friction behavior. When the friction rate is small, the system needs a longer period to reach stability. As the envelope angle increases, the friction force increases, the friction coefficient changes little, and the smaller the envelope angle, the more obvious the shock.