ZHAO Yue,CUI Xiao-yu,TIAN Ye.Advances in Cactus-inspired Water Collection[J],51(12):52-62, 81
Advances in Cactus-inspired Water Collection
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KeyWord:cactus  water collection  water shortage  bioinspired surface  cactus-inspired
ZHAO Yue College of Medicine and Biological Information Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang , China
CUI Xiao-yu College of Medicine and Biological Information Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang , China;Foshan Graduate School of Innovation, Northeastern University, Guangdong Foshan , China
TIAN Ye College of Medicine and Biological Information Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang , China;Foshan Graduate School of Innovation, Northeastern University, Guangdong Foshan , China
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      Water is the source of life and essential to human life, animal and plant life. However, the water shortage has become a major global issue in the 21st century. It is extremely urgent to solve the water shortage. Therefore, a simple and low-cost technology is urgently needed to solve or alleviate water shortage. There is a large amount of water in the atmosphere, to a certain extent, which brings the new solution to alleviate the water crisis. To obtain the water from the atmosphere, people try to draw inspiration from nature. The water collection property of cactus provides a good idea for solving the problem of water shortage. The special structure of cactus spines is the reason of its efficient water collecting performance. The special structure results in the driving forces arising from the gradient of the Laplace pressure and the gradient of the surface-free energy. Both forces can drive the small water droplets to move from the tip of spine to the bottom of spine. Therefore, the cactus spine can collect water from atmosphere continuously. In recent years, the water collection of cactus has attracted more and more attentions due to its high water harvesting performance. Therefore, it is very necessary to summarize the advances in cactus water collection and cactus-inspired water harvesting. In this work, research progresses in water collection of natural cactus and cactus-inspired structures were summarized comprehensively and in detail. This work mainly introduced the common fabrication methods of cactus inspired structures, including 3D printing methods, gradient electrochemical corrosion method, combining electrospinning with sacrificial template method, modified magnetic particle-assisted molding approach, magnetorheological drawing lithography method and combining mechanical perforating and template replica technology, and also expounded the fabrication steps, advantages and disadvantages for each method. The related introduction of fabrication methods for cactus inspired structures can make people have a good understanding of cactus-inspired structures and materials. Meanwhile, this work also introduced the main mechanisms of water collection of cactus-inspired structures, including Laplace pressure gradient and surface free energy gradient, providing a theoretical basis for the development and improvement of water collection engineering and technology. The forces arising from Laplace pressure gradient and surface free energy gradient can provide strong driving forces to push tiny water droplet to move from tip side to end side along the cactus spine. This made the cactus show the high performance of water harvesting. In addition, this work also introduced the water collection behaviors, including water collection on a single bioinspired cactus spine and large-scale water collection. This would help related people understand the water harvesting behaviors and characteristics. At last, the future development direction of cactus inspired structures for water collection was analyzed and prospected. This work will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the fabrication methods, the water collection mechanism and water collection behaviors of cactus-inspired structures and greatly promote the development of water collection engineering, liquid transport, functional materials, microfluidics and fluid control, even smart materials, bioinspired materials and functional materials.