CHEN Hai-tao,ZHANG Jing,CONG Da-long,ZHANG Min,SONG Kai-qiang,LI Zhong-sheng,XIE Lan-chuan.Finite Element Simulation of the Temperature Field and Residual Stress of Tungsten Coating Deposited by Electro-spark Deposition[J],51(1):140-149
Finite Element Simulation of the Temperature Field and Residual Stress of Tungsten Coating Deposited by Electro-spark Deposition
Received:March 18, 2021  Revised:July 08, 2021
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KeyWord:electro-spark deposition  tungsten coating  temperature field  residual stress  finite element simulation
CHEN Hai-tao Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
ZHANG Jing The 6th Military Representative Office of the Military Representative Bureau of the Army Equipment Department in Chongqing, Chongqing , China
CONG Da-long Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
ZHANG Min Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
SONG Kai-qiang Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
LI Zhong-sheng Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
XIE Lan-chuan Southwest Institute of Technology and Engineering, Chongqing , China
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      Through simulation of the temperature field variation and residual stress distribution in the molten pool during the process of electro-spark deposition of tungsten coating on steel substrate, this paper aims to better explore the process of electro-spark deposition of tungsten coating and to obtain temperature field distribution and formation mechanism of residual stress during the process. Through the methods of low-speed electrode rotation and up-and-down inching, an anti-ablation tungsten coating is made on the surface of steel substrate from point, line to plane. The temperature field and residual stress of tungsten coating are simulated by ANSYS software. The result shows that the Gauss heat source model can simulate the temperature field distribution and residual stress in the process of electro-spark deposition. On this basis, the temperature field data is put into mechanical analysis model so that the coupling calculation of temperature field and stress field and the stress variation status and residual stress after solidification of tungsten coating in the molten pool are obtained. The simulation results show that with the increase of electro-spark deposition power, the diameter and depth of the molten pool will increase and the peak temperature will increase. The residual stress of the tungsten coating increases with the increase of molten pool temperature. In the process of single row tungsten coating deposition, except the first molten pool, the other molten pools will be affected by the previous molten pool and have obviously less residual stress compared with a single point tungsten coating. The residual stress of tungsten coating formed by multi-row pool group is mainly related to the deposition rate, and the faster the deposition rate, the greater the residual stress.