ZHANG Chen,ZHU Zhan-bo,ZHAO Jing-mao.Property Comparison of Two Water-based Polyurethane Coatings in Three Accelerated Aging Experiments[J],50(10):330-336
Property Comparison of Two Water-based Polyurethane Coatings in Three Accelerated Aging Experiments
Received:December 21, 2020  Revised:April 21, 2021
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KeyWord:water-based coating  aliphatic polyurethane coating  acrylic polyurethane coating  anti-corrosion performance  aging
ZHANG Chen South China Branch, PipeChina Co., Ltd., Guangzhou , China
ZHU Zhan-bo School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing , China
ZHAO Jing-mao School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing , China
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      This paper studied the difference in corrosion resistance of two kinds of water-based aliphatic polyurethane and water-based acrylic polyurethane coatings, which are widely used in water-based coatings. The effect of accelerated aging methods on coating performance was discussed. Three tests (neutral salt spray, UV-condensation, and neutral salt spray-UV condensation cycle test) were used to accelerate the aging of the coating for 240 days. Study the aging of the coating through the loss of light, color difference, and infrared absorption spectrum changes; Use the AC impedance method to judge the anti-corrosion performance of the coating, and analyze the performance of the two coatings in different accelerated aging tests. The results show that the water-based aliphatic polyurethane coating has smaller changes in gloss loss and color difference, less impedance reduction, and weaker decomposition of the functional groups of the coating matrix compared with the water-based acrylic polyurethane coating. Aliphatic polyurethane coating has lower aging degree and better anti-corrosion performance. The order of the three kinds of accelerated aging tests on the coating AC impedance is:neutral salt spray test > cycle test > ultraviolet-condensation test; the order of influence on the color difference and loss of the coating is:ultraviolet-condensation test > cycle test, neutral salt fog test. Therefore, continuous salt spray penetration has the most serious impact on the shielding performance of the coating; Ultraviolet rays accelerate the decomposition of the functional group of the coating matrix, which is the main reason for the aging of the coating. Water-based aliphatic polyurethane coating has better weather resistance and corrosion resistance than water-based acrylic polyurethane coating, so it can be used in environments with strong ultraviolet rays and high humidity.