CHEN Na-na,WANG Ji-rui,LIU Xuan,YI Pan,SONG Jia-liang,BAI Zi-heng,LIU Qian-qian,FENG Ya-li,HUANG Yi-zhong,XIAO Kui.The Influence of Aspergillus Versicolor on the Corrosion Behavior of PCB-Cu under Different Intensity Constant Magnetic Fields[J],50(10):270-278
The Influence of Aspergillus Versicolor on the Corrosion Behavior of PCB-Cu under Different Intensity Constant Magnetic Fields
Received:April 13, 2021  Revised:July 23, 2021
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KeyWord:magnetic field  mold  printed circuit board  electromigration  atmospheric corrosion  corrosion mechanism
CHEN Na-na Corrosion and Protection Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
WANG Ji-rui Sichuan Chengdu Soil Environmental Material Corrosion National Observation and Research Station, Chengdu , China
LIU Xuan Corrosion and Protection Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
YI Pan China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing, Beijing , China
SONG Jia-liang Corrosion and Protection Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
BAI Zi-heng Corrosion and Protection Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
LIU Qian-qian Corrosion and Protection Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
FENG Ya-li Corrosion and Protection Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
HUANG Yi-zhong School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore , Singapore
XIAO Kui Corrosion and Protection Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing , China
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      This study investigated the corrosion behavior and mechanism of aspergillus versicolor on PCB-Cu under constant magnetic fields of different strengths. The surfaces of the PCB-Cu samples were sprayed with a spore suspension, and magnetic fields of different constant strength were applied along the direction perpendicular to the surface of the sample. The growth of aspergillus versicolor and the corrosion behavior of PCB surface were studied by using 3D confocal microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy spectrum analysis (EDS), and Raman spectroscopy. The potential change on the PCB-Cu surfaces were characterized by scanning Kelvin probe (SKP). By observing the surface morphology of the mold, it could be clearly seen that the molds in the non-magnetic field group had more vigorous life activities, and the higher the magnetic field strength, the stronger the inhibitory effect on mold growth, which reduced the number of mold spores and deteriorated the growth status. The magnetic field affects the growth of mold and the migration of corrosive ions, and the corrosion inflection point appears when the strength is 15 mT. The composition of the corrosion products were different, where the content of O and Cl in the non-magnetic field were higher than that in the magnetic field. The magnetic field mainly inhibits the corrosion of PCB-Cu by affecting the growth of mold, but the magnetic field also affects the migration of ions to accelerate the electrochemical corrosion. Therefore, when the magnetic field strength is 15 mT, the degree of corrosion is minimal. The corrosion products without magnetic field are mainly composed of CuO, a small amount of Cu2O and copper chlorides, but CuO and copper chlorides become the main corrosion products after applying a magnetic field.