ZHAO Yi-jian,YAN Ze-xiang,SU Jian-min,LYU Xiang-lian,HE Yang.Research Progress of Biomimetic Anti-icing Surface[J],50(10):29-39
Research Progress of Biomimetic Anti-icing Surface
Received:July 04, 2021  Revised:September 27, 2021
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KeyWord:biomimetic  anti-icing  superhydrophobic  SLIPS
ZHAO Yi-jian Key Laboratory of Micro/Nano Systems for Aerospace, Ministry of Education, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an , China
YAN Ze-xiang Key Laboratory of Micro/Nano Systems for Aerospace, Ministry of Education, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an , China
SU Jian-min No.365 Institute of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an , China
LYU Xiang-lian Key Laboratory of Micro/Nano Systems for Aerospace, Ministry of Education, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an , China
HE Yang Key Laboratory of Micro/Nano Systems for Aerospace, Ministry of Education, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an , China
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      Icing on aircraft, wind power equipment and transmission lines will reduce work efficiency, cause property losses, and even threaten people's life and safety. Biomimetic anti-icing surface has the advantages of low energy consumption and low pollution, and has become an international research edge. Firstly, the concept of biomimetic anti-icing surface is identified in this paper. According to the action mechanism, biomimetic anti-icing surface is divided into two category including super-hydrophobic surface and super-lubricating surface. The anti-icing mechanism, biomimetic object and preparation technology of the two anti-icing surfaces are introduced in detail. The super-hydrophobic surface changes the wetting state of water, delays the freezing of water droplets and reduces the ice adhesion strength. Its biomimetic objects include lotus leaves, rice leaves and so on. Its preparation technology includes top-down methods such as lithography and plasma etching, and bottom-up methods such as spraying and chemical vapor deposition. The super-lubricated surface replaces the air layer at the solid-gas-liquid interface with the liquid layer to enhance lubrication and reduce ice adhesion. Its biomimetic objects include pitcher, arrow frog skin and so on. The preparation technology mainly adopts porous preparation method. Then the development trend of biomimetic anti-icing surface is introduced. Enhancing the stability and durability of the anti-icing surface directly or indirectly, and building a multi-functional fusion surface with good environmental adaptability, such as combining super-amphiphobic surface, transparent surface, flexible surface, self-cleaning surface with biomimetic anti-icing surface, is an important development trend of biomimetic anti-icing surface in the future. Finally, the development and challenges of biomimetic anti-icing surface are prospected.