XU Yan-hua,YAN Wen-duan,HE Xi-qin.Study on the Dispersion and Stability of Nano ZrO2-8%Y2O3 Nanoparticles Aqueous Suspension[J],50(3):206-211, 238
Study on the Dispersion and Stability of Nano ZrO2-8%Y2O3 Nanoparticles Aqueous Suspension
Received:October 28, 2020  Revised:December 24, 2020
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KeyWord:dispersants  PH value  nano-8YSZ  aqueous suspension  Zeta potential
XU Yan-hua Minnan University of Science and Technology, Quanzhou , China
YAN Wen-duan Minnan University of Science and Technology, Quanzhou , China
HE Xi-qin Minnan University of Science and Technology, Quanzhou , China
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      Dispersion mechanism of nano-ZrO2-8wt.%Y2O3 (8YSZ) aqueous suspension is explored to prepare a dispersion-stable nano-8YSZ aqueous suspension in the study. Dispersant PAA, PEG600, and PEG2000 including different dispersant additions and pH values are used in preparation of a nano-8YSZ aqueous suspension with 20 wt.% solid content. The dispersion and stability of nano-8YSZ aqueous suspension is characterized by Zeta potential, particle size distribution and suspension viscosity. The results show that the optimal content of dispersant PAA, PEG2000, and PEG600 in nano-8YSZ aqueous suspension at neutral pH is 2.4 wt.%, 2.4 wt.%, and 3.2 wt.% respectively. The corresponded lowest viscosity is 4.08 mPa.s, 3.84 mPa.s, and 3.36 mPa.s, respectively. The isoelectric point (IEP) of nano-8YSZ particles in aqueous suspension moved from the left of pH 6 to the vicinity of pH 4 after adding dispersant PAA. At pH 8, nano-8YSZ particle has its largest Zeta potential by –44.5 mV. It is found that the dispersion and stability of nano-8YSZ aqueous suspension is closely related to the types and contents of dispersant and values of pH. The dispersion and stability will not be obtained by adding dispersion or by adjusting pH value only. Dispersant PAA has both functions of electrostatic stability and steric stability. The overall dispersion effect of dispersants from high to low is PAA, PEG2000, and PEG600. In preparation of a nano-8YSZ aqueous suspension with 20 wt.% solid content, the optimum condition were pH value of 8, and dispersant PAA content of 2.4 wt.%. Then, the dispersion and stability of suspension was the best with the lowest viscosity of 2.56 mPa.s.