ZHENG Qiang,DING Hao-hao,HE Jia-hao,WANG Wen-jian,GUO Jun,LIU Qi-yue.Research Progress of Ice/Snow-Proof Design for High-speed Train Bogie[J],49(12):64-74
Research Progress of Ice/Snow-Proof Design for High-speed Train Bogie
Received:March 19, 2020  Revised:June 05, 2020
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KeyWord:bogie  cold regions  anti-ice/snow  flow structure  super-hydrophobic  low surface energy  micro-nanostructure
ZHENG Qiang Tangshan Graduate School, Southwest Jiaotong University, Tangshan , China
DING Hao-hao School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , China
HE Jia-hao Tangshan Graduate School, Southwest Jiaotong University, Tangshan , China
WANG Wen-jian Tangshan Graduate School, Southwest Jiaotong University, Tangshan , China;School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , China
GUO Jun School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , China
LIU Qi-yue School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , China
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      With the development of railway transportation in China’s cold regions, high-speed trains face harsh climates such as cold, snowstorm and frost in winter, which will not only increase the operating cost of the railway system, but also directly affect the safety and stability of running train. There is no closed equipment at the bottom of the train, and the exposed bogie structure is extremely complicated. New issues such as ice and snow on bogies often appear when the train is running in cold regions, but there are no efficient measures to solve the problem. The conditions, laws and formation mechanism of ice and snow on high-speed train bogies were summarized, and the main factors affecting the conditions of ice and snow were put forward, including the motion circumstances of snow grains in the aura field, the flow field at the bottom of the bogie and the pressure difference at the bottom of the bogie. The recent research progress of domestic and abroad solutions to trains and bogies were also summarized in view of ice and snow problems. With the development of new materials and the improvement of surface technology, super-hydrophobic surface functional coatings with anti-icing and snow effect have become a practical and effective measure. Based on the existing research achievements of reducing the adhesion strength of ice and snow and delaying the freezing time on the metal substrate surface, the specific methods of manufacturing micro-nanostructure and reducing the low surface energy of materials have been sorted out. By discussing the application of super-hydrophobic materials in anti-icing and snow, the direction of anti-icing and snow design of bogies has been put forward.