WANG Meng-ting,WU Zhong-kui,DAI Si-yu.The Protein Detection Microarray Technology Based on Controllable Modification of Polymer Surface[J],49(7):9-16
The Protein Detection Microarray Technology Based on Controllable Modification of Polymer Surface
Received:June 13, 2020  Revised:July 20, 2020
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KeyWord:protein detection microarray  probe molecules  polymer controlled modification  micropatterning  protein micropattern
WANG Meng-ting School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
WU Zhong-kui School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
DAI Si-yu School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan , China
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      This article briefly introduces the related technologies for constructing protein microarrays based on polymer controllable modification. Probe molecular screening technology, including common technologies (such as phage antibody library technology and SELEX technology) and new technologies (PFSC technology). Construction technology of protein micropattern on polymer surface, it can be generally divided into template method using mold (such as soft lithography technology and particle beam marking technology) and non-template method based on polymer self-assembly (such as polymer film dewetting method and breath-figure method). This paper introduces some published protein detection microarrays prepared by this technology and their application directions. Finally, it summarizes the shortcomings of this technology and looks forward to the future research concerns.