CHEN Di,LIAO Ke-xi,HE Guo-xi,ZHAO Shuai.Analysis of Corrosion Main Influencing Factors Based on EWM-GRA and Corrosion Model Establishment[J],48(6):268-273
Analysis of Corrosion Main Influencing Factors Based on EWM-GRA and Corrosion Model Establishment
Received:December 10, 2018  Revised:June 20, 2019
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KeyWord:entropy weight method  gray relative analysis method  pipe corrosion  influence factor  weight calculate  pre-diction model
CHEN Di College of Proleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu , China
LIAO Ke-xi College of Proleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu , China
HE Guo-xi College of Proleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu , China
ZHAO Shuai College of Proleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu , China
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      To establish a corrosion rate prediction model for sulfur-containing pipelines and provide a basis for anti-corrosion work. Based on the Entropy Weight Method (EWM) and Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) theory, the correlation factors of 18 influencing factors affecting the corrosion of sulfur-containing natural gas gathering pipelines were calculated to determine the main influencing factors of corrosion. According to the main influencing factors, orthogonal simulation experiments were designed, and the corrosion rate prediction model was established based on the corrosion mechanism and simulation results. The four factors with the greatest correlation between the corrosion factors of sulfur-containing pipelines were: H2S partial pressure (0.7923), CO2 partial pressure (0.6471), temperature (–0.6208), and liquid flow rate (–0.6101), which were strongly correlated with corrosion rate. Based on the results of correlation analysis, considering the influence of H2S partial pressure, CO2 partial pressure, temperature and liquid flow rate, a total of 9 simulation experiments were carried out with 4 factors and 3 levels, and the corrosion rate was calculated according to the weight loss method. Based on the corrosion mechanism and experimental data, a corrosion prediction model considering the influence of temperature and liquid flow rate under the condition of H2S/CO2 coexistence is obtained. Compared with the experimental results, the relative error of the prediction model is within 5%. For the sulfur-containing pipeline, the main influencing factors of corrosion rate are H2S partial pressure, CO2 partial pressure, liquid flow rate, and medium temperature. The corrosion rate prediction model based on the corrosion mechanism and simulation results can predict the corrosion rate well and provide a reference for the on-site anti-corrosion work.