WANG Qiang-sheng,LI Xiao-tao,ZAN Xiao-dong,JIANG Xiao-yu.Mechanical Behaviors of Subsurface Crack under Moving Hertz Pressure by Distributed Dislocation Method[J],48(6):252-260
Mechanical Behaviors of Subsurface Crack under Moving Hertz Pressure by Distributed Dislocation Method
Received:January 07, 2019  Revised:June 20, 2019
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KeyWord:subsurface crack  distribution dislocation  Hertz pressure  dislocation density  stress intensity factor  adhesive
WANG Qiang-sheng School of Mechanics and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , China
LI Xiao-tao School of Mechanics and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , China
ZAN Xiao-dong School of Mechanics and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , China
JIANG Xiao-yu School of Mechanics and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu , China
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      The work aims to solve the subsurface crack by theoretical solution and analyze the mechanical behaviors of crack tips. The problem was divided into two sub-problems based on the superposition principle. The first sub-problem was solved by Flamant’s solution of the concentrated force in the elastic mechanics and the second sub-problem was solved by the distributed dislocation technique. Further, the singular integral equations about dislocation density were established. The numerical solution of the equations was presented by Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature method and the relevant mechanical parameters were obtained. The stress intensity factor at crack tips (SIF) and the critical friction coefficient (CFC) for the upper surface crack tip adhesion were obtained, and the effects of crack length and crack embedding depth were investigated. From the results, SIF first increased and then decreased with the crack length increasing when the depth of the crack was constant. The crack tip close to the surface was easier to adhere. The smaller the crack length and depth are, the more likely the crack plane is to adhere. CFC increased slowly as the crack length increased. There was an approximate positive relationship between CFC and the crack depth. Under the Hertz pressure, the crack propagates to the material interior when the crack length is relatively small, while the crack propagates toward the surface when the crack length is relatively large.