ZHAO Xiao-fei,MIAO Yu-fang,LI Min,YU Dong-yun.Development of Ternary Phosphate-based Inorganic Dry Pre-lubricant Reagent and Its Applicatuion in Improving Forming Properties of Galvannealed Autosheets[J],48(2):253-259
Development of Ternary Phosphate-based Inorganic Dry Pre-lubricant Reagent and Its Applicatuion in Improving Forming Properties of Galvannealed Autosheets
Received:June 25, 2018  Revised:February 20, 2019
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KeyWord:galvannealed steel sheet  inorganic dry pre-lubricant film  surface frictional coefficient  spot weldability  auto-motive structural adhesives  phosphating treatment
ZHAO Xiao-fei User Technology Institute, Shougang Research Institute of Technology, Beijing , China
MIAO Yu-fang User Technology Institute, Shougang Research Institute of Technology, Beijing , China
LI Min User Technology Institute, Shougang Research Institute of Technology, Beijing , China
YU Dong-yun User Technology Institute, Shougang Research Institute of Technology, Beijing , China
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      The work aims to synthesize an inorganic pre-lubricant reagent for improving the formability of the galvannealed steel sheets, so as to reduce the friction coefficient on the surface of galvannealed steel sheets and decrease the defects during stamping. Phosphoric acid and metallic nitrate were used as the main materials to prepare the inorganic pre-lubricant reagent and then a uniform and continuous inorganic pre-lubricant film was obtained on the galvannealed steel sheet. The basic morphology and thickness of such film formed on the material was characterized by SEM and GDS. The surface friction coefficient and stamping properties of materials coated with inorganic pre-lubricant film were analyzed by plate friction test and deep drawing test. Meanwhile, the welding/cementing and coating properties of galvannealed steel sheet coated with inorganic pre-lubricant film were analyzed according to certification features of steel sheet. A uniform and continuous inorganic film could be formed on the surface of the galvannealed steel sheet by roller coating method and the thickness of such inorganic film was 50~60 nm. The surface frictional coefficient of such pre-lubricant film coated galvannealed steel sheet was 13% lower than that of the plain galvannealed steel sheet, and such decrease of surface frictional coefficient became more obvious with the increasing surface temperature of the sheet. Moreover, such pre-lubricant film coated galvannealed steel sheet also showed well spot weldability (including welding window and welding service life) that met the certification requirements of the steel sheet with the same thickness and had good compatibility with typical automotive structural adhesives. At last, automotive OEM showed that such inorganic dry pre-lubricant film on the galvannealed steel sheet could be completely removed under the present degreasing process and the thickness and grain size of obtained phosphating film was the same as that of ordinary galvannealed sheet. The currently developed inorganic pre-lubricant reagent can form a film on the galvannealed sheet and can effectively reduce the material friction coefficient and provide guarantee for reduction of stamping defects without affecting other properties of materials.