WANG Tie-gang,GUO Yu-yao,TANG Kuan-yu,LIU Yan-mei,LIN Wei,JIANG Su-meng.Influence of Nitrogen Flow on Structure and Performance of the Zr-B-N Films Prepared by Hybrid Magnetron Sputtering Techniques[J],47(11):210-217
Influence of Nitrogen Flow on Structure and Performance of the Zr-B-N Films Prepared by Hybrid Magnetron Sputtering Techniques
Received:April 06, 2018  Revised:November 20, 2018
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KeyWord:nanocomposite film  Zr-B-N film  microhardness  adhesion  friction coefficient
WANG Tie-gang 1.Tianjin Key Laboratory of High Speed Cutting and Precision Manufacturing, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin , China
GUO Yu-yao 1.Tianjin Key Laboratory of High Speed Cutting and Precision Manufacturing, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin , China
TANG Kuan-yu 1.Tianjin Key Laboratory of High Speed Cutting and Precision Manufacturing, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin , China
LIU Yan-mei 1.Tianjin Key Laboratory of High Speed Cutting and Precision Manufacturing, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin , China
LIN Wei 1.Tianjin Key Laboratory of High Speed Cutting and Precision Manufacturing, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin , China
JIANG Su-meng 2. Division of Surface Engineering of Materials, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang , China
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      The work aims to reveal the influence of N2 flow ratio on the structure and properties of Zr-B-N thin films and further strengthen the nano-composite Zr-B-N films by supplementing the metal ions during the reaction deposition, increasing the amount of metal nitride hard phases in the films and optimizing the preparation process of Zr-B-N thin films. Coating technique of high power impulse magnetron sputtering and pulsed direct current magnetron sputtering was adopted to despoit Zr-B-N films. X-ray diffractometer, energy spectrometer, scanning electronic microscope, nanoindenter, scratch tester, and tribometer were used to study the influence of N2 flow ratio on the composition, microstructure, mechanical properties, and tribological performance of Zr-B-N thin films. Zr-B-N films possessed the typical nano-composite structure, namely that the ZrB2, Zr3N4, Zr2N, ZrN nanocrystalline were surrounded by BN amorphous phase and all the Zr-B-N films exhibited (100) orient preferred growth. With the increase of N2 flow rate, the diffraction peak width on (100) lattice face increased dramatically, but the film hardness decreased from 36.2 GPa to 21.0 GPa. The adhesion between the film and substrate became better and better and the critical load increased gradually from 34.8 N to 55.8 N. The friction coefficient also increased, but it was kept a low value of 0.48 as the N2 flow ratio was 42.9%. ZrN phase growing along (220) lattice plane in the thin films could effectively reduce the friction. The Zr-B-N film possesses typical nano-composite structure and good performance when the N2 flow ratio is 42.9%.