XI Yan-jun,LIU Yong-jun.Research Status on the Corrosion of Sink Rollin Molten Zinc[J],47(8):229-235
Research Status on the Corrosion of Sink Rollin Molten Zinc
Received:January 22, 2018  Revised:August 20, 2018
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KeyWord:sink roll  molten zinc  corrosion  corrosion resistant material  coating
XI Yan-jun School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou , China
LIU Yong-jun School of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou , China
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      According to the research achievements about corrosion in molten zinc at home and abroad in recent years, corrosion resistant method can be divided into two categories: corrosion resistant material and surface modification. Corrosion resistant materials are mainly concentrated in Fe-Cr-Mn, Fe-B and TiAlNb, etc., while surface treatment is mainly concentrated in WC- Co, MoB-CoCr, and ceramic coating. Two research methods have certain research results, but there are also some shortcomings. Although corrosion resistant of materials to molten zinc is improved, only the corrosion speed is delayed for the corrosion property in the liquid zinc and eventually the corrosion failure still occurs. Corrosion resistance of surface coating is relatively good, but crack still occurs in liquid zinc. Physical fit between coating and matrix is poorer, and brittleness is larger. Slight collision between parts causes coating to fall off easily and accelerates the corrosion of materials, so the coating should not be used in practical production. Ceramic-metal composite coatings can be developed by making full use of the advantages of corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance and high hardness in ceramics and good room temperature strength and fair ductility of metals and it may become the next the main direction of research about corrosion of sink roll in molten liquid zinc.