YANG Guang,DENG An-zhong,CHEN Jing-bo.Preparation and Insulation Properties of Colorful Solar Reflective Insulation Coating[J],46(11):269-275
Preparation and Insulation Properties of Colorful Solar Reflective Insulation Coating
Received:June 01, 2017  Revised:November 20, 2017
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KeyWord:reflective insulation  silica sol  silane coupling agent  pigment  composite emulsion  radiation heat flux  infrared reflectance
YANG Guang Army Logistics University of PLA, Chongqing , China
DENG An-zhong Army Logistics University of PLA, Chongqing , China
CHEN Jing-bo Unit 62026 of PLA, Xi'an , China
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      The work aims to prepare colorful solar reflective insulation coating of excellent insulation properties based on trichromatic theory. Colorful solar reflective insulation coatings in purple, blue, orange and green were prepared with silica sol coupling styrene-acrylic composite emulsion as paint binder, and composite titanium red, cobalt blue, titanium chrome yellow, nickel titanium yellow and chrome green as compound pigment. Microstructure and element of the pigments were determined quantitatively with scanning electron microscope and electron microprobe. Reflectance characteristics of the film, solar reflectance reduction rate after polluted treatment of the film as well as reflectance performance of pigments were characterized with ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectrophotometer. Insulation effect of the colorful solar reflective insulation coating was measured from two aspects, i.e., temperature difference on reverse side of film panels and film panels radiation heat flux towards box center. Solar reflectance of the colorful solar reflective insulation films in purple, blue, orange and green was 0.6287, 0.5433, 0.7594 and 0.6991, respectively, all above 0.5000. Solar reflectance reduction rate after polluted treatment of the film met requirements of relevant standard, which demanded solar reflectance reduction rate after polluted treatment of ≤15%. Insulation temperature difference on reverse side of film test panel was above 3 ℃, and film panels radiation heat flux towards box center was above 10%, indicating excellent insulation performance of the colorful solar reflective insulation coatings. Thus, the coating prepared is of great application. Colorful solar reflective insulation coating of excellent insulation properties can be prepared by selecting suitable infrared reflectance pigment based on trichromatic theory.