HUANG Si-yu,WANG Shui-bo.Research Progress in Preparation of Ni-based Alloy Coating by Induction Cladding Technology[J],46(9):39-47
Research Progress in Preparation of Ni-based Alloy Coating by Induction Cladding Technology
Received:June 22, 2017  Revised:September 20, 2017
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KeyWord:surface heat treatment technology  cladding coating  induction cladding  Ni-based alloy coating
HUANG Si-yu a. School of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing , China
WANG Shui-bo b. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing , China
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      In practical industrial applications, most workpieces are in alternating load, high stress and strong corrosive environment, severe service conditions will greatly shorten actual service life of the workpieces. As the surface of workpieces is often in direct contact with unfavorable factors, overall failure of the workpieces basically originates from the surface. Cladding coating technology is a common surface treatment technology for metallic materials, which can greatly improve surface performance of workpieces and has various advantages including high production efficiency, low production cost and large cladding area, thus it has aroused wide concern. Preparation technologies of cladding coating mainly include laser cladding, argon arc cladding, plasma cladding and high frequency induction cladding, high frequency induction cladding technology is less expensive in application. Supported by high frequency induction cladding technology, the technical route of high frequency induction cladding mainly including: pretreatment, coating prefabrication, induction cladding, etc. was illustrated, and the factors possibly affecting cladding quality during each process were explained. Finally, preparation process of Ni-based alloy coating (Ni-based composite coating and in-situ synthesis preparation of Ni-based composite coating) was reviewed, and some problems in the preparation process and future development direction were reviewed as well.