ZHAO Ya-ru,LI Yong,LI Huan.Research Progress of Graphene Reinforced Copper Matrix Composites[J],45(5):33-40
Research Progress of Graphene Reinforced Copper Matrix Composites
Received:December 20, 2015  Revised:May 20, 2016
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KeyWord:graphene  copper matrix composite  dispersibility  surface modification  rare earth modification
ZHAO Ya-ru Engineering Research Institute, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou , China
LI Yong Engineering Research Institute, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou , China
LI Huan Engineering Research Institute, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou , China
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      Graphene has become the most attractive carbonaceous reinforcement because of its unique structure and excellent properties. The preparation methods of copper matrix composites and the research status at home and abroad were introduced. Targeting at the poor surface wettability and dispersibility of grapheme, the graphene surface modification methods and research progress were reviewed. And the feasibility of using rare earth to modify graphene surface was proposed. The main problems in the research of graphene reinforced copper matrix composites were summarized. Meanwhile, the research direction in future and development trend of the graphene reinforced copper matrix composites were discussed.