LIN Li,LI Guo-lu,WANG Hai-dou,KANG Jia-jie.Investigation of RCF Properties and Failure Mechanism of Heterogeneous Materials Covered on the Substrate: A Review[J],44(5):111-117,128
Investigation of RCF Properties and Failure Mechanism of Heterogeneous Materials Covered on the Substrate: A Review
Received:December 01, 2014  Revised:May 20, 2015
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KeyWord:rolling contact fatigue  coating process  material system  post-processing method
LIN Li School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin , China
LI Guo-lu School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin , China
WANG Hai-dou National Key Lab for Remanufacturing, Academy of Armored Forces Engineering, Beijing , China
KANG Jia-jie School of Engineering and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing , China
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      The rolling contact fatigue performance is one of the important indexes of evaluating the membrane layer performance. The factors affecting the rolling contact fatigue performance of parts are mainly divided into the structural integrity of the membrane layer itself and the service conditions. The structural integrity of the layer itself is subjected to the factors of diverse coating process, material system and post-processing method, and so on. When the service condition is fixed, the structural integrity of the layer itself plays a decisive role in contact fatigue performance. Diverse coating process, material system and post-processing method have different influence on the rolling contact fatigue performance and failure mechanism of the parts. The influences of the coating process, material system and post-processing method on the rolling contact fatigue performance of heterogeneous material on the substrate surface were summarized in this paper. It could be found that the factors of coating process, material system, postprocessing mode also had an effect on the rolling fatigue failure mechanisms. Finally, the existing problems of current research about the rolling contact fatigue of membrane layer were summarized, as well as the solve methods, in order to build good foundation for predicting contact fatigue life of substrate surface membrane layer.