XU Chao,FAN Wen-xin,ZHAO Jun-sheng,LIANG Da-zhen.Comparative Analysis of Evaluation Methods for the Surface Roughness of Connecting Rod Bushings[J],42(6):109-112
Comparative Analysis of Evaluation Methods for the Surface Roughness of Connecting Rod Bushings
  Revised:August 12, 2013
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KeyWord:connecting rod bushing  gaussian filter  wavelet method  evaluation of surface roughness
XU Chao North University of China, Taiyuan , China
FAN Wen-xin North University of China, Taiyuan , China
ZHAO Jun-sheng North University of China, Taiyuan , China
LIANG Da-zhen North University of China, Taiyuan , China
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      Objective To measure the surface roughness of connecting rod bushings accurately. Methods Use the methods of gaussian filter and wavelet analysis to evaluate the surface roughness of connecting rod bushings, and compare the evaluation results with the measured results. Results The respective relative error of Gauss filter and wavelet method was 1 . 7046 % and 0 . 9037 % . Conclusion It was verified that both the gaussian filter and wavelet analysis were feasible for the evaluation of the surface roughness of connecting rod bushings, and the evaluation methods of the wavelet method were more accurate.