GAO Hai-bo,XIAN Qin,WANG Jian-lun,ZHOU Li-na.Research Progress of Frequently-used Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Material for Radar Stealth[J],42(6):88-91
Research Progress of Frequently-used Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Material for Radar Stealth
Received:August 05, 2013  Revised:August 25, 2013
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KeyWord:electromagnetic wave absorbing material  absorbing principle  ferrite  metal carbonyl powder
GAO Hai-bo Military Representative Office in Chongqing, Chongqing , China
XIAN Qin Chongqing Jialing Huaguang Photoelectricity Tech. Co. , Ltd, Chongqing , China
WANG Jian-lun Chongqing Tiema Industry Group Co. , Ltd, Chongqing , China
ZHOU Li-na Chongqing Jialing Huaguang Photoelectricity Tech. Co. , Ltd, Chongqing , China
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      This paper analyzes the interaction mechanism of the electromagnetic wave and the absorbing material, introduces the study and application status of ferrite, metal carbonyl powder, polycrystalline metal fiber, conductive polymers and nano-absorbing materials in detail, and points out the significance of achieving multiple-band stealth by comprehensive optimization and application of different kinds of electromagnetic wave absorbing materials.