REN Yan-ping,DENG Hong-hua,HUANG Fang-qiu,XU Qiao-yu.Research Progress of Brush Plating Technology in Surface Engineering[J],42(6):83-87,91
Research Progress of Brush Plating Technology in Surface Engineering
Received:June 25, 2013  Revised:August 13, 2013
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KeyWord:brush plating technology  nano-composite coating  composite conversion coating  surface engineering
REN Yan-ping Guangzhou Civil Aviation College, Guangzhou , China
DENG Hong-hua Guangzhou Civil Aviation College, Guangzhou , China
HUANG Fang-qiu Guangzhou Civil Aviation College, Guangzhou , China
XU Qiao-yu South China University of Technology, Guangzhou , China
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      Current research progress of brush plating technology in the anti-corrosion, anti-wear and repair of material surface was reviewed. The process and performance of brush plating coating for anti-corrosion and anti-wear were introduced . The study status of nanocrystalline alloy coating, nano-composite coating, dual nano-composite coating and composite conversion coating by brush plating was described, and the future directions for research and application of brush plating technology were proposed.