LIU Xi,LI De-liang,NIE Wu-yang.Synthesis of Gold( I) Thioglycolate and Its Physico-chemical Properties[J],42(6):52-54
Synthesis of Gold( I) Thioglycolate and Its Physico-chemical Properties
Received:July 11, 2013  Revised:November 10, 2013
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KeyWord:thioglycolate  aurous  synthesis  physico-chemical properties  gold plating
LIU Xi Central South University of Forestry & Technology,Changsha , China
LI De-liang Central South University of Forestry & Technology,Changsha , China
NIE Wu-yang Central South University of Forestry & Technology,Changsha , China
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      Objective To synthesize a new non-cyanide gold salt and to study its physico-chemical properties. Methods Using analytic grade thioglycolic acid, thiourea and hydrochloric acid, aqua regia and ingots as the raw materials , Gold( I) thioglycolate was synthesized for the first time. The product was analyzed by infrared analysis and the gold content analysis, the thermal stability was studied, and the solubility of the product was tested. Results The results showed that the product ' s molecular formula was AuSCH2COOH, and the chemical properties of the compound were stable at room temperature, the product was insoluble in common organic substances and acids, and could form aqueous solution by reaction with alkali liquor. Conclusion A cyanide-free gold compound was synthesized with stable nature, which is expected to be used in the gold plating industry.