LI Yong-quan,YU Bin-gao,LIU Jian-qiang,LI Feng.Study on Erosion-corrosion of N80 Steel in Fluids with Solid Particles[J],42(6):37-39
Study on Erosion-corrosion of N80 Steel in Fluids with Solid Particles
Received:July 05, 2013  Revised:August 08, 2013
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KeyWord:N80 steel  erosion and corrosion  pitting corrosion
LI Yong-quan Xi'an Aeronautical University, Xi'an , China
YU Bin-gao Xi'an Aeronautical University, Xi'an , China
LIU Jian-qiang Xi'an Aeronautical University, Xi'an , China
LI Feng Xi'an Aeronautical University, Xi'an , China
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      Objective To study the erosion and corrosion resistance and behavior of the N80 steel in NaCl solutions of different concentrations with 10 wt% solid particles. Methods The erosion and corrosion products were analyzed by means of SEM and EDS, and the corrosion rate of the N80 steel was studied by the weight-loss method. Results The corrosion products of the steel were mainly composed of FeO and Fe3O4. Conclusion The corrosion rate of the N80 steel accelerated with the increasing NaCl concentration, and pitting was formed on the surface of the sample when the concentration of NaCl was over 7 % .