XIAO Chang-qing,DENG Zheng-hui,HUANG Jun-liang.Applicatino of the Side Jet Spray Electrostatic Bell Automatic Tracking Spraying in Motorcycle Engine[J],42(1):120-122
Applicatino of the Side Jet Spray Electrostatic Bell Automatic Tracking Spraying in Motorcycle Engine
Received:October 17, 2012  Revised:December 10, 2012
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KeyWord:electrostatic bell spraying  automatic tracking  motorcycle engine  the side jet spray
XIAO Chang-qing Chongqing Longxing Industrial Group Company Limited, Chongqing , China
DENG Zheng-hui Chongqing Longxing Industrial Group Company Limited, Chongqing , China
HUANG Jun-liang Chongqing Longxing Industrial Group Company Limited, Chongqing , China
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      In view of these disadvantages of traditional manual electrostatic spraying coating such as low utilization rate, poor control accuracy, large labor intensity, a static automatic tracking spray system was applicated, The structure, working principle and application of system of electrostatic bell autombile tracking spraying in motorcyle engine were introduced, and the application effect was elaborated. The system is easy to control, the film thickness is easy to control, maintenance cost of equipment operation is low.