CAO Hong-tao,LI Xue-ting.Corrosion Protection Requirements and Technical Measures of Fasteners Based on the Marine Environment[J],42(1):105-108
Corrosion Protection Requirements and Technical Measures of Fasteners Based on the Marine Environment
Received:August 20, 2012  Revised:September 10, 2012
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KeyWord:fasteners  corrosion protection  surface treatment
CAO Hong-tao Naval Equipment Department Warships Supporting Military Representative Office in Shenyang Area,Shenyang , China
LI Xue-ting 92330 Army Equipment Department, Qingdao , China
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      The fastener which is extensively used in mechanical connection as one of the most common methods,is the infrastructure component in the machinery industry. However,the corrosion of fasteners in a variety of environments has always been a big problem that designers have to face. There are many methods of solving fastener corrosion, among which the surface treatment is one of the important methods. The basic corrosion protection measures and ideas for fastener were briefly analyzed. Focused on the surface treatment technology and structural anti-corrosive, the requirements of surface coatings in different operation conditions were discussed. In addition, surface treatment methods and corrosion structural design for fasteners were proposed.