XIANG Kun,WANG Wei,YANG Guang,BIAN Hong-you,QIN Lan-yun,WANG Wei,SHANG Chun,CUI Bao-lei.Study on Titanium Alloy Single Track Laser Cladding Process[J],42(1):91-93,104
Study on Titanium Alloy Single Track Laser Cladding Process
Received:September 06, 2012  Revised:September 30, 2012
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KeyWord:titanium alloy  laser cladding forming  geometric size  process parameters
XIANG Kun Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for National Defense of Aeronautical Digital Manufacturing Process,Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang , China
WANG Wei Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for National Defense of Aeronautical Digital Manufacturing Process,Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang , China
YANG Guang Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for National Defense of Aeronautical Digital Manufacturing Process,Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang , China
BIAN Hong-you Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for National Defense of Aeronautical Digital Manufacturing Process,Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang , China
QIN Lan-yun School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang , China
WANG Wei Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for National Defense of Aeronautical Digital Manufacturing Process,Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang , China
SHANG Chun Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for National Defense of Aeronautical Digital Manufacturing Process,Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang , China
CUI Bao-lei Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for National Defense of Aeronautical Digital Manufacturing Process,Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang , China
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      In order to obtain the best process parameters of the titanium alloy single-track and single-layer laser cladding, the orthogonal experiment method was used, and have designed laser cladding forming test, found out the influencing rule of laser power, scanning speed and powder feed rate on the cladding layer geometric size. And contrast different process conditions of the cladding layer surface and cross section爷 s quality,through the contrast analysis, get a group of fine process parameters for single-track and single-layer cladding and provide data reference for later laser cladding forming test .