MI Qian,WANG Kun,LIU Zhe.Alumina Oxide Thin Film Prepared by DC Magnetic Filtered Arc Source Deposition Technology[J],42(1):78-80,100
Alumina Oxide Thin Film Prepared by DC Magnetic Filtered Arc Source Deposition Technology
Received:September 07, 2012  Revised:October 08, 2012
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KeyWord:arc source  magnetic filter  alumina oxide films  oxygen component  cathode target current
MI Qian Shaanxi Province Thin Film Technology and Optical Test Open Key Laboratory,Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an , China
WANG Kun Shaanxi Province Thin Film Technology and Optical Test Open Key Laboratory,Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an , China
LIU Zhe Shaanxi Province Thin Film Technology and Optical Test Open Key Laboratory,Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an , China
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      Alumina oxide thin film was fabricated on K9 glass by DC magnetic filtered arc source technology and the influence of the oxygen component and cathode target current on films' refractive index,deposition rate,extinction coefficient and surface roughness was researched. The results of experiment show that the films' refractive index,the deposition rate and the extinction coefficient decreases with the increase of the oxygen component,but increases with the rise of the cathode target current; The surface roughness are reduced initially,but increased after. And the main reason is that the proportion of the aluminum atomsand oxygen on the surface of substrate is changed by the change of the oxygen component and the cathode target current, related to the performance of the film.