HUO Hong-ying,ZOU Min,MA Guang-qiang,CHANG Hui.Influence of the Base Pressure on AZO Film Deposited by Magnetron Sputter Method[J],42(1):75-77
Influence of the Base Pressure on AZO Film Deposited by Magnetron Sputter Method
Received:August 29, 2012  Revised:September 20, 2012
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KeyWord:magnetron sputter  AZO film  base pressure
HUO Hong-ying Panzhihua University, Panzhihua , China
ZOU Min Panzhihua University, Panzhihua , China
MA Guang-qiang Panzhihua University, Panzhihua , China
CHANG Hui Panzhihua University, Panzhihua , China
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      A AZO film was deposited on the top of flat glass with DC magnetron sputtering technology. The influence of base pressure on the film thickness,square resistance, transmissivity in 300 ~ 1100 nm wavelength was studied. The experimental results show that AZO film's square resistance and transmissivity have a decline trend, but the thickness become thinner with the increase of base pressure. When the base pressure is in low level, the square resistance, transmissivity and thickness of AZO film are influenced conspicuously by base pressure. These influences will decline if continue to increase the base pressure.