CAO Li-sheng,ZHAO Zuo-fu,FANG Hong.Influence of Calcification Treatment to the Apatite Layer of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy under Bringing in the Electric Pulse Modification[J],42(1):56-59
Influence of Calcification Treatment to the Apatite Layer of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy under Bringing in the Electric Pulse Modification
Received:November 20, 2012  Revised:December 04, 2012
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KeyWord:NiTi shape memory alloy  hydroxyapatite layer  chemical technology  electric pulse modification
CAO Li-sheng Jinzhou Teacher忆s Training College, Jinzhou , China
ZHAO Zuo-fu University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing , China
FANG Hong Shenzhen Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Shenzhen , China
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      The experiment adopted chemical technology to deposit apatite layer on the surface of NiTi shape memory alloy , and the influence of the calcification treatment to the apatite layer under bringing in the electric pulse modification was discussed , and the respond mechanisms of component concentrations of calcification solution and pulse parameter to the film grown were analyzed. The experimental results indicated that when the consistence of calcification solution was Ca2+3 . 10 mmol / L, K+4 . 64 mmol / L, Na+126 . 8 mmol / L, Cl-144 . 5 mmol / L, HPO42-1 . 86 mmol / L and the solution was alkalescent, the quality of apatite layer was best; After applying for the calcification solution and the appropriately treated, there was a loose and porous apatite layer on the surface of the sample, it was admixture of hydroxyapatite ( HA) and other calcium phosphorus salt; Electric pulse modification was beneficial to deposition of apatite layer and enhanced the purity of hydroxyapatite.