ZHANG Tian-cai,ZHANG Kai,WANG Yong-feng,ZHANG Xiao-hua,TAN Yan-jiang,WANG Yan-yan.Study on the Curing Kinetics of the Polyether Amine / Phenolic Amine with Epoxy Resin[J],42(1):50-52
Study on the Curing Kinetics of the Polyether Amine / Phenolic Amine with Epoxy Resin
Received:October 22, 2012  Revised:November 15, 2012
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KeyWord:polyether amine / phenolicamine  epoxy resin  curing reaction  curing kinetics parameters
ZHANG Tian-cai The Southwest Technology and Engineering Institute, Chongqing , China
ZHANG Kai China Academy of Engineering Physiscs, Mianyang , China
WANG Yong-feng The Southwest Technology and Engineering Institute, Chongqing , China
ZHANG Xiao-hua The Southwest Technology and Engineering Institute, Chongqing , China
TAN Yan-jiang The Southwest Technology and Engineering Institute, Chongqing , China
WANG Yan-yan The Southwest Technology and Engineering Institute, Chongqing , China
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      The curing behavior of polyether amine / phenolic amine with epoxy resin was studied by different scanning calorimetry. The kinetics parameters of this system were analyzed at heating rates 5 ,10 ,15 and 20 ℃ / min from 25 ℃ to 230 ℃ . According to Kissinger equation, the apparent activation energy was 61 . 76 kJ / mol and frequence factor was 7 . 1 X107s-1.According to Crane equation, the order of reaction was 1. 116, and the kinetics equation of curing reation was found to be dα/dt=k(1-α)1.116, k = 7 . 1 X107exp (-7429 / T) .