YI Jun-lan,WU Song-lin,LIU Ming-hui,ZHAO Liang-liang,SONG Yuan-zeng,CHEN Jie,YU Bo.Influence of Pretreatment on Corrosion Resistance of Chromate Conversion Coated Aluminum-lithium Alloy[J],42(1):42-45
Influence of Pretreatment on Corrosion Resistance of Chromate Conversion Coated Aluminum-lithium Alloy
Received:September 25, 2012  Revised:October 20, 2013
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KeyWord:aluminum-lithium alloy  pretreatment  chromate conversion  electrochemical impedance spectroscopy  polarization curve  corrosion resistance
YI Jun-lan Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai , China
WU Song-lin Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai , China
LIU Ming-hui Metal Corrosion and Surface Protection Lab, AVIC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing , China
ZHAO Liang-liang Metal Corrosion and Surface Protection Lab, AVIC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing , China
SONG Yuan-zeng Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai , China
CHEN Jie Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai , China
YU Bo Metal Corrosion and Surface Protection Lab, AVIC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing , China
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      Three pretreatments including manual brushing deoxidizing, sanding deoxidizing and dipping deoxidizing were respectively applied on Al-Li alloy 2198 . Subsequently, Alodine1200 s chromate conversion solution was manually brushed on the samples. The corrosion resistances of the chromate conversion coated samples in 3 . 5 % NaCl solution were studied by polarization curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS) , and the influence of the pretreatment on corrosion resistances of the samples was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy ( SEM) . The results show that Eb of the sanding deoxidizing sample is the most positive and Jcorrof this sample is the lowest . The radius of capacitive arc in Nyquist plot and the modulus of corrosion resistance in Bode plot arrive at the maximum because of the sanding deoxidizing pretreatment . Under the same condition, the phase angle of corrosion resistance in the low frequency range is most close to-90 o . Therefore, the corrosion resistance of the sanding deoxidizing sample is the best .