ZHENG Li,WEI Xiao-wei,LUO Song.Effect of the Aluminum Matrix on Anodic Oxidation Film[J],42(1):39-41
Effect of the Aluminum Matrix on Anodic Oxidation Film
Received:October 15, 2012  Revised:October 30, 2012
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KeyWord:Al matrix  anodic oxidation  film uniformity  thickness
ZHENG Li School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu , China
WEI Xiao-wei School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu , China
LUO Song School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu , China
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      The pure aluminum and sintered aluminum which have same composition and different structure was treated by anodic oxidation, the influence of the base body on anodic oxidation film was discussed. The results show that the oxidation film of the pure aluminum is uniform and continuous. The oxidation film of the sintered aluminum is Poor uniformity and continuity. The oxidation film is thin and low hardness.