JIA Xiao-feng,DU Chao-jun.Study on Cyanide-free Silver Electroplating Process with DMDMH and MET as Coordination Agents[J],39(4):59-61,72
Study on Cyanide-free Silver Electroplating Process with DMDMH and MET as Coordination Agents
Received:April 19, 2010  Revised:August 10, 2010
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KeyWord:DMDMH  Met  cyanide-free silver electroplating  coordination agent
JIA Xiao-feng School of Biology and Chemical Engineering, Nanyang Institute of Technology, Nanyang , China
DU Chao-jun School of Biology and Chemical Engineering, Nanyang Institute of Technology, Nanyang , China
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      A cyanide-free silver electroplating process with Met and DMDMHas coordination agents was studied. The influences of bath composition and operation conditions of the process on the appearance of silver coatings were investigated, and on this basis the optimal electroplating process was defined.It has been found by examinations of cathode current efficiency, throwing power, covering power of the bath and adhesion of the silver films that this process is the same as and even better in some aspects than cyanide process, and worth popularization in industrial applications.